To register for events: Call 231-533-8814 or email or find the date of the event on our calendar and click through to the registration form. Some events do not require registration. Please contact us if you need help or further information.
Kids Coding Club
Third Saturday of the month 10-11am
Ages 8-18
Pippi's first day is Thursday, September 12.
The Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library provides a free book per month to children age 0-5. The program is free. If you live in Antrim County, you may enroll your child online or at the library.
Register hereStorywalk on Cedar River Trail
Stop by our StoryWalk at Antrim Conservation District (use the 1st driveway). Our new story is "Migration" by Gail Gibbons
Story Time with Miss Diane
Tuesdays at 10:00am, join Miss Diane at the library beginning for story time, crafts, and a snack!